Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pamela Anderson – Wedding Bliss or Another Misfortune?

Pamela Anderson got married for the third time to Rick Salomon, Paris Hilton’ ex-boyfriend. Is this going to finally be wedding bliss for the blonde bombshell? She jumped into another marriage after only dating him a couple of months. Hopefully third time is a charm and she settles down with one guy instead of going back and forth with her last two loser husbands, Tommy Lee and Kid Rock. The press is saying she had to get married because she is pregnant, but Pamela denies this. She only says that she is extremely happy and this is it for her.

The press is probably right and her wedding bliss is really a misfortune, because she is pregnant and this is why they rushed into marriage. Pamela begged Rick not to say anything, but it got out to the press anyway, so she just confirmed it. In Touch Weekly that she is two months pregnant. Pamela seems to be known for her legendary poor judgment, but hopefully this quickie marriage will last forever. Pamela says it is fate and she is happy that she is pregnant because she is not getting any younger.

I think she is crazy for getting married again. Her marriages never last long and she should just live with them. Her two children she has now, probably are so confused and they do not know who their mother is with half the time. Anderson likes to be in the limelight and I feel she just does this for attention. Will she ever be happy? I do not think so, she will always be known as a sex symbol with a reputation that will never make her look good. She should start being a mother and stop the craziness.

1 comment:

Jennifer L said...

I agree with you on her marriages. It is ridiculous, but regardless she is absolutely beautiful.